Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011




Peculiar habit #41241: When in a room with a stranger, filled with nothing but silence, I like to gaze repeatedly at my watch just to amp up the level of awkwardness.

Mug face

Girl in nautical stripes (no, it does not make you look fat) sipping coffee? Why don't you just pass me a sachet of instant kryptonite already!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The n-2 rule

Wuuuut  uuuup!

Aye aye

This is why I waste my time on the web: to find gems like this! Now, to find a leathersmith and commission a piece like this with some awesome lining fabric.

Oh snap


Saturday, May 28, 2011



"Boy, when you're dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river or something. Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody."

Friday, May 27, 2011

Step into the big world

Double monk strap Lowndes from Crockett & Jones. Priced at MYR $1259 from P. Lal here in Malaysia. Now, that's pricey for myself. But a working man's gotta have some sturdy and sleek looking shoes, no?

Here's how I justify the purchase. Assuming that I live to a modest age of 60, that should give me a remaining 36 years, with a total of 1872 weeks. Then, if I wear these stunning shoes 3 times a week, just so I don't kill them, and with lots of tender loving care with the polishing and maintenance, that would give me:

36 x 1872 x 3 = 5616 wears.

Now, price per wear = $1259/5616 = $0.22

22 cents per wear. With this rather rudimentary method of calculation, I think buying these is pretty justifiable. Not that I'm seeking for anyone's approval anyway. ;)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


A fine example of how you ride through life. With no brakes.

Out you go

So gangsta.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Booka shade


Oh, trying to be smart now eh?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mother of pearl

Borderline obsession? Maybe.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



A nice touch with a collar pin, albeit slightly redundant in this case, no?

Blind stitch

A brand new Uniqlo oxford button-down shirt scored dirt cheap. The fit was perfect, but the only thing wrong was that it was rather dorky-long to be worn untucked under casual circumstances or during crazy heatwaves here in Malaysia.

Hence, a little D.I.Y. shortening/hemming project to keep myself occupied. Added a patch of floral fabric that shows only when untucked and easily hidden by doing the converse. Stitch-work's a bit funny when viewed real close up, but at least it tells a story if someone were to ask. ;)

Winners and winners

I've always enjoyed the good gentlemanly sport of bargaining and negotiating for things, although not that often. It's probably something I've inherited from my dear mother. These are snippets for me to keep in mind. Useful for all occasions.

“Flattery is the infantry of negotiation.”

"If possible, always defer to the other party when finding the starting number because it gives you a lot of information to work with in determining the best strategy going forward."

"Whether you’re making an offer or receiving one, getting your point across and keeping quiet is one of the strongest ways to sway a bargain in your favor. Why? Because we hate awkward silence and will do anything to avoid it if we can, like negotiate against ourselves because we’re afraid we’re losing the deal."

"Just like anything in life, you aren’t going to get what you want if you don’t ask for it."

How to Haggle Like Your Old Man?
How To Ask For (And Get) A Raise Like a Man?

Il Denaro

"The blood that courses - and it courses - through the heart of the city is chaos. Slick, Swiss-trained concierges and brine-fingered fishmongers say so: "caotico" is the Italian adjective most often employed to describe the place; it's a word blurted immediately and smilingly when Neapolitans are asked to talk about their city. This is both a condemnation and a celebration wrapped inside an exclamation, for Neapolitans know that there's charm in chaos. It's the grit in the oyster that makes the pearl - and they know a bit about seafood around here."

-Robert Bound, Monocle, Issue 35, Vol. 4.


Yea, but rules can and should be broken every once in a while.

Monday, May 16, 2011




A one and a two

Heart-wrenching goof ball dance routine.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

You just killed it


Worn and faded

-Rogue Territory

For the days when you feel like a rugged little smarty pants.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

'Twas sketchy

The artistic blood runs deep in the family, with the exception of yours truly. Unless if doodling counts?

Hit and run

Where's the mint julep?

Stems and petals

...and don't forget to tell her about how you ran like a fugitive from the police because public flower picking is illegal where you're from. True story.

Pullin' pockets

Get the shoe shine

Quite a bit of interesting and wise words at the end of the first half. Also, a reminder to myself to visit a J. Press store if I'm ever in the States. Heh.

Wet socks

Why, hello there...


The bachelor pad box edition. Fantastic use of space! Now, what if you could use the ceiling as further storage area (e.g. drop-down cupboards)?


Value - From Rugged Old Salt

What is luxury?

Relationships of substance and value with all the people in your world. The man who cuts your meat, grows your vegetables, fits your shoes, pulls your coffee.

Luxury is not being a slave to fashion, nor trend. Not shopping on sale, only to have more of what is not right. Luxury is having only in your life what is correct and right, and when the time is right.

Luxury is having an extra hour every day to read the paper, eat toast with your love before you leave the house, sit in a park at lunch and watch the grass grow. Even if it means you’ll never drive an S-Class Mercedes or send your children to Knox.

What is value?

Value is paying 20 or 30 percent extra not to shop on sale. Value is the extra 50c it might cost to have a coffee that is truly superb, or the extra $30 a year you might tip your barista to remember that you like a single sugar and the milk extra hot.

Value isn’t cheap. Value costs money, but it also costs time and consideration. Because if you value yourself, you don’t skimp on what’s important – time, quality, integrity.


Thursday, May 12, 2011


Didja know?

A human being traveling on a bicycle at low to medium speeds of around 10–15 mph (16–24 km/h), using only the power required to walk, is the most energy-efficient means of transport generally available.

On firm, flat, ground, a 70 kg person requires about 30 watts to walk at 5 km/h. That same person on a bicycle, on the same ground, with the same power output, can average 15 km/h, so energy expenditure in terms of kcal/(kg·km) is roughly one-third as much.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ceiling supernovae

"Plumen is the antithesis of low energy light bulbs as we know them. Rather than hide the unappealing traditional compact fluorescent light behind boring utility, Plumen 001 is a bulb you’ll want on show."

Hairline scratch

Making Jack White and Megan White so proud.

Bitty bong bong

Less is usually more.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Mad hexagonal tiles!

Stray question; do you read while you're doing a number two? :P



Buff up

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Olympus OM1. You find the coolest stuff stashed away in your Dad's work storage room. All serviced and ready to be tinkered around with. Oh boy, I've never played with film before!

Vending machine



Vino favoloso

Dinner at yours. I'll bring the wine.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stash clamp

Halve this into a card/cash holder, and it'll be perfect!

Text mess

Rule #490. Never cancel dinner plans by text message.

Pleats, please

DOWN boy, down!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


The Kills - Goodnight Bad Morning

Wrist ticking

Nautical stripes. Check. Awesome sneakers. Checkity check. Dorky smile. Check-o. Watch worn upside-down. CHEK!

Three-stage caffeine boosters

Spaceman Gordon/Bean chillin' out @ Whisk cafe.